Swami Vivekananda

What is the point of PhD?

21 Jun 2020 - fubar - Sreekar Guddeti

phd-comics-Logo A garbage bin of the references related to the process of PhD, tools required, dos and donts, sagely advices, best practices

A preliminary search on GitHub Topics listed more than a 100 repositories having phd-thesis tag. The ones that I found interesting are

Interaction with Vishwanath. he suggested Nature News feature article on What is the point of the PhD thesis?. This is not about PhD per se, but about the PhD thesis.

Interaction with Mihir. He suggested few articles how NOT to procrastinate and start writing the thesis.

Interaction with Banibrato. He suggested Mathpix tool for quickly extracting latex source from snapshots of LaTex typeset equations

Interaction with Ajesh. He suggested Connected Papers, a unique, visual tool to help researchers and applied scientists find and explore papers relevant to their field of work.

Interaction with Venkatreddy. He suggested Gummi, a LaTeX editor that generates compiled LaTeX code on the fly!


Paperscape is an interactive map that visualises the arXiv, an open, online repository for scientific research papers.

Each paper is represented by a circle, with the size of a circle related to how often that paper has been cited (referred to) - a measure of its impact.

The papers are clustered together according to how they reference each other i.e. share information. This is done by modeling the papers as particles in a physical system, with references acting as attractive forces between papers - read more.