Invented by Leon Foucault in 1851, it demonstrates that the Earth has a rotation axis.
Scientific temperament is not a state. It is a continuous process for aligning one's behaviour to inculcate the spirit of the scientific method. There are many aspects to this process each addressing one or more of the pillars of the scientific method. Here are some guidelines that help nurture these aspects.
The organization of python program is discussed with function as an entity.
The organization of python program is discussed with class as an entity.
Some of the well curated references for learning Python keeping scientific computing in focus.
Jekyll leverages Liquid filters and tags to provide programmatic access to variety of elemetns of a static website built using Jekyll.
Some of the routinely encountered algorithms.
Git is a cross-platform utility and it is essential to understand the way it is configured. In certain circumstances, it is required to modify the configuration to suit the needs. We will discuss one such circumstance when we need to carry cross platform development on both native Windows and virtual Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) GNU/Linux distribution.
In addition to using LaTeX rendering, we can customize the LaTeX preamble by adding packages. These packages are set via the rcParams dictionary.
In the circumstance of developing parallelly from a native Windows and virtual Windows Subsystem for Linux, we need a consistent way of ending the lines in ASCII files.
Let us learn the syntax and rules of evaluating regular expressions by solving commonly needed tasks.
Some well known references for condensed matter theory
Let us look at how to access the configuration parameters and update them for customizing matplotlib plots.
Python has variety of built-ins crafted for specific purposes. Some of these derive direct inspiration from mathematical theory of sets. From a programming perspective, these are handled differently internally. Let us investigate their 'static' properties.
For the current homepage, I was pushing commits to the **remote** repository on GitHub from two **local** repositories. The older local repository was managed by `Git for windows` client. The newer local repository is managed by `GitHub Desktop`. The commit history on both the local history has diverged. The task at hand is to bring parity with both these repositories. We will use rebase for the same.
Let us look at the rights and responsibilities enshrined under the GNU General Public License and its variants.
Let us understand the push-pull-merge/rebase cycle while working with remote git repositories.
Spyder IDE has become the forefront IDE for scientific computing. In addition to the usual panes like editor, file explorer, variable explorer, Let us look at some of the advanced features of this IDE like outline, code analysis and code optimization rolled out in version 4.2.3.
The domain wall energy for Neel walls in the presence of in-plane bias satisfy a cubic or quartic depending on the presence or absence of tilted anisotropy. In this post, we will look at finding the analytical and numeric solutions to these algebraic equations using Python package numpy.
Origin is a graphing and analysis tool used predominantly by experimentalists. In addition to providing convenient UI based routines to plot aesthetic 2D and 3D plots, Origin provides robust analysis tools like linear regression, nonlinear regression, curve fitting routines. *In-situ* LabTalk scripting language allows handling the various columns of data to allow convenient mathematical transformations. In this post, we will consider the structural elements of this scripting language.
The title says it all. Lets understand what the famous physicist has to say about learning.
Windows kernel provides access to the hardware to monitor and/or change key parameters, perform essential tasks in the form of services. These services the high level access points to the user.
I ran into an issue with the v21327 March update of Windows 10 insider build update. This is a log of the steps I have carried out to address the issue.
More often than not, data analysis involves linear regression. Scipy offers routines to calculate the regression parameters.
String literals appear at various places in a plot like the labels for the axes, legend description, text annotations. They may also contain non standard unicode characters. Sometimes we need to typset mathematical formulae. Matplotlib in conjunction with Python's string literal handling lets us do these task seamlessly.
In contrast to the usual way of defining functions in Python by using the def statement, lambda function is defined as an expression. In this post, we will compare these contrasting ways and explore the possibilities and limitations of this way of function definition.
Python standard library consists timeit module that gives execution time for Python code.
A Data Acquisition card is almost always a constituent of an electronic test and measurement system. Let us understand the nuts-and-bolts as well as process perspective of a DAQ card.
Python module can be imported within a script as well as in another module. This post describes two ways to get the filepath of an imported module.
A list of commonly used Python built-in modules.
Continuous code development, when not following the principles of code refactoring, can lead to software bloat. Code refactoring is a programming practice to avoid software bloat and also improve code maintainability and reusability.
Sometimes we need to set a particular keyword argument and not sure if it is present. I frequently encounter this scenario while handling matplotlib functions.
The current site is built on top of Ruby gems. These gems themselves undergo development. Updates to these gems are released regularly to resolve critical issues. We look at how to update our site configuration to incorporate these updates into our site.
A quick hack to render LaTeX equations in HTML pages using MathJaX
Style guidelines for commonly encountered style decisions to be made while coding in python. We rely on the PEP guidelines to resolve them.
The coupling of spin and charge degrees of freedom of the electron leads to various galvano-magnetic effects which are manifested as experimentally observed variants of Hall effects and magnetoresistance
Listing of some of the questions that have arisen while writing my thesis
The field of magnetism is rife with inconsistent of units throughout the literature. To avoid confusion let me come up with consistent use of units and frequently occuring physical quantities as well as values for them
Yama is the first tenet of Ashtanga Yoga Sutra (अष्टांग योग सूत्र).The five subtenets of yama tenet are dileneated. Followed by the viloma pranayama
Nice thoughts on the current situation of research evaluation worldwide as well as in the country
The next level of breathing is introduced. Followed by method to become aware of the body
The meditator needs to make a clear distinction between the mind and himself in order to progress in the practice of meditation
The meditator is introduced to the simplest breathing technique, followed by exposition of four different states of mind during meditation
We have listed some thoughts by eminent leaders on the concept of education
A chronological list of spintronics review articles with an attempt to create a mind map between the articles
We have listed the frequently occuring Onsager reciprocity relations that emphasize that action reaction nature of interaled effects.
We have listed the properties of the usually encountered materials in spintronics ranging from the transition metals and their alloys to the novel materials like YIG opening new vistas in spintronics like magnonics
We have listed the workers in spintronics and their important contributions
Some basics about RF sputtering
A garbage bin of the references related to the process of PhD, tools required, dos and donts, sagely advices, best practices
A rudimentary know how and place for references for CSS styling
We will work with GitHub’s repository hosting service to have a remote repository for our PhD thesis
We will describe the rules for versioning software to avoid dependency hell
Let us use web development tools hosted on the Windows Subsystem for Linux to build static websites eventually to be hosted on GitHub.
Let us use `Trace Bitmap` tool of Path toolset to generate vectorized versions of raster images
We probe, control and thereby manipulate the spin degree of freedom of the electron to affect various processes ranging from information storage, transfer and processing.
C++ references of websites, books, code and APIs for learning C/C++.
A reference for the commonly used GIT commands and explanations of the context when they are used
A tutorial on interfacing VISA compatible hardware using python's wrapper module `pyVISA`.
An introduction to Jekyll, an awesome static website generator.
A tutorial on setting static and dynamic IP address when routing via ADSL router
A brief history of fonts and in particular the geometric typefaces.
The organization of python program is discussed with module as an entity.
A brief history of apples
A short description of bananas.
A tutorial on how to set up a TP-LINK ADSL router as a WiFi Access Point (WAP). It also gives description on how the IP addresses are assigned across networks.
A solo trip to Kudremukh and Shravanbelagola. Kudremukh is my favorite nature-spot. I visited Shravanbelagola on the return trip.