Swami Vivekananda

What are Python functions?

12 Apr 2022 - fubar - Sreekar Guddeti

python-Logo The organization of python program is discussed with function as an entity.


Functions are the most basic unit of program organization. They enhance code reusability, equivalently reduce redundancy. Functions enable procedural decomposition of logic and data thereby allowing procedural style of programming. In certain use cases, when mutation of data is not allowed or needs to be enforced, so that data transformation is the only logic that is allowed, a specific set of functions can be used to enforce such constraints. This style of programming is called functional programming. Function scoping of logic that promotes reuse of names.

What is a funtion?

In the most basic sense, a function is a self-contained block of statements and expressions. Since statements and expressions represent logical operations, a more concrete definition of a function is that it is an interface that encapsulates logic.

However logic has no meaning by itself. It has to act upon data. So data are passed to this interface as arguments. From symmetry arguments, if data are passed, conversely, we can expect the interface to return data.

The above interface is syntactically defined as

def my_function(data):
	return new_data

The qualifier self-contained in the above definition can be understood from the perspective of scope. A function scopes the data within its definition to restrict its range of visibility.

In the advanced case, functions can have attributes. In the special case of lambda functions, function can act as expressions.

Encapsulation of logic

Since function encapsulates logic, it can be called upon whenever the corresponding block of logic needs to be executed. For a recurring need for execution, calling a function is more efficient than copying-pasting the corresponding blockin two ways -

Code reusability

Instead of copy-pasting the procedure at every requirement, we can call the procedure. So the block of code is replaced by a single call statement. This leads to lean code. Technically, the process of replacing recurring blocks of code with calls to the corresponding function is called factoring. Since program development is like writing a research article, they both need continuous refinement. The cyclical process of this replacement is called refactoring the code.

To illustrate this feature, let us find the area of rectange with a diagonal delimited by a point and the origin. If (x,y) are the coordinates of the point, then the area is given by


To implement this logic, we have

x, y = 2, 3		# Define rectangle.
area = x * y	# Compute area.		

Now for two rectangles defined by the points (2,3) and (3,4) the areas are given by

x1, y1 = 2, 3	# Define rectangle1.
area1 = x1 * y1	# Compute area1.

x2, y2 = 3, 4	# Define rectangle2.
area2 = x2 * y2	# Compute area2.

If we observe the above code, both the data that define the rectangles and the logic that computes the area are treated on an equal footing. With the use of function interface, we can redesign the implementation in such a way that the logic is encapsulated

Code redundancy

Debugging is an important step in the development cycle. If there is need to refine the procedure, it is easier in the case of function than correcting at every location of the explicit code.


Flow of data

Since a function encapsulates logic, when function interfaces interact with each other, only data flows across their interfaces.


To illustrate this let us define the equation for a line in two dimensions given two points it passes through. The general form of the line is given by


Let us define the function that takes independent variable x and returns dependent variable y.

def line(x, m, c):
	y = m*x + c
	return y

To find the two point formula, we need to first translate the axes to the first point, i.e. (0,0)(x1,y1). This leads to the transformations xx,yy with the rules of transformation


In the new xy coordinate system, our line now passes through the origin with the familiar equation


where the slope of the line is


Let us define a function that takes the two points as arguments and returns the slope

def slope(x1, y1, x2, y2):
	m = (y2 - y1)/(x2-x1)
	return m

With the rules of transformation, the equation in the old coordinate system is


so that


where the y-intercept c=y1mx1.

So let us define a function that returns the y-intercept

def y_intercept(x1, y1, x2, y2):
	m = slope(x1, y1, x2, y2)
	c = y1 - m*x1
	return c

Using the above functions, the function for a two-point formula for a line is

def line_two_point(x, x1, y1, x2, y2):
	m = slope(x1, y1, x2, y2)
	c = y_intercept(x1, y1, x2, y2)
	y = line(x, m, c)
	return y

Procedural decomposition

From a bird’s eye view, with the use of functions we can decompose the procedure of finding the two-point fromula for a line into components with the data flowing between them as shown below.


From the above figure, it appears that there is a depth axis in the decomposition, with the line_two_point() being at the top level and the slope() at the lowest level. However, that is merely our bias as there is no particular ordering, notwithstanding the fact that line_two_point() calls slope() and other functions. The abstraction can be compared with islands connected by water, where the procedural constructs and the data act as islands and water respectively.


This suggests that procedural decomposition is not hierarchial. By deduction, all the components therefore occupy the same level of abstraction of logic so that procedural programming has no depth in the abstraction.

We can as well represent the logic abstraction of procedural programming graphically as below.


Procedural decomposition is flat.

When to use functions?

Also functions offer customization of code. The arguments that the function requires can be used to modify the behaviour of the function.

Functions allow for procedural decomposition, so that the behaviour that the code has to emulate can be categorized into unconnected procedures. This style of programming the behaviour is called procedural programming style.

When not to use functions?

When the behaviour of a system depends upon its state, it becomes necessary to keep track of the system state. The state of a system can be defined by a set of parameters also called as attributes.

When there is a need to remember the state of the system, we use functions along with the so-called global variables. From the namespace perspective, global variables are names in the global scope. As a result, these variables can be accessed anywhere except inside a function, we need to declare its globalness. This is done by

global x

However, this style of designing a stateful system using functions and global variables is discouraged as it breaks many of the Python idioms

An alternative is to use function attributes.

Another behaviour that cannot be programmed effectively with functions is when it demands composition. To understand this sentence, let us take the analogy of composing music. Music is beautiful to hear when it is harmonious. When we analyze this harmony, music boils down to a sequence of syllables with a pattern. So a composer plays the bottom-up role of stringing together the basic elements to form a harmonious patterns. These patterns can once again be combined to form more complex patterns finally leading to music.

When the behaviour of a system can be understood as formed due to basic elements, it needs a style of programming that encourages composition. While functions facilitate procedural decomposition, they are limited by the flatness of such decomposition. When a recursive composition needs to be programmed it becomes difficult and unnatural to use functions.

Python offers classes that naturally facilitate mimicking such behaviour. This style of programming is called the object oriented programming (OOP) style. The post on classes describes OOP in more detail.


To summarize, functions prioritize logic over data.

As a basic unit of code organization, functions facilitate code reusability, while at the same time minimize code redundancy.

The interface of a function allows for decomposition of logic leading to procedural decomposition.

Procedural decomposition is at the most flat. For hierarchial decomposition, we need classes.


Chapter “Function Basics” of “Learning Python” by Mark Lutz.